
Russia, Novosibirsk/Moscow

Тel.:  + 7 (495) 249 00 95
         + 7 (495) 249 00 96
         + 7 (495) 249 00 97
Моb.:+ 7 (916) 531 07 65

Spain, Barcelona 
Тel.:  + 34 674 32 03 53

U.K., London 
Тel.:  + 44 203 575 14 45


Tel.: + 1 315 352 47 43

Union Metal and Petroleum Group LLC

г. Новосибирск, ул. 2-я Станционная, д. 30, к. 8

Novosibirsk, st.  2nd Station, 30, building 8

Russian Federation

Google Location.


Union Steel Limited.


East Highway 41, of. 505

Russian Federation




Siberian Metal and petroleum .S.L.

Carrer de Llobregat, 11 ,18  08904 Hospitalet de Llobregat Barcelona, Spain.

NIF number B05326897

Тel.:  + 34 674 32 03 53

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